Diversi-Tune Apple IIGS demo video

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Contents of the video

The video shows the following:

  1. An emulated Apple IIGS (described below) booting
  2. The startup screen of ProDOS 8, the operating system used by Diversi-Tune
  3. The Diversi-Tune loading screen
  4. Diversi-Tune's Auto-Play mode, in which it sequentially plays the songs on the disk immediately after booting
  5. The intro composition: This is a brief piano piece. While playing this piece, Diversi-Tune shows the Key Velocity display. This display shows the program name, the song title, a piano keyboard, the ever-present status bar, and an animation of vertical lines with varying heights, indicating which keys are being pressed and the velocities of those keypresses. The poster frame for this video shows a moment roughly 2 seconds into this playback.
  6. The song "You're a Grand Old Flag": This arrangement features piano, drums, and an organ for the melody line. While playing this piece, Diversi-Tune shows the Words (Large) display, which goes through the song lyrics, showing a bouncing-ball animation over the currently sung word. This is similar to modern karaoke displays.
  7. An extended piece called "IMPROV1.BILL": This is an up-tempo piece with multiple piano tracks, an organ track, and drum tracks on the left and right channels. The name suggests that it was performed by Bill Basham himself. Diversi-Tune again shows the Key Velocity display for this piece.

Diversi-Tune would have continued to play the rest of the songs on the disk, but I stopped the emulator just after the end of IMPROV1.BILL.

How I made this video

I (Matt Campbell) made this video using MAME, configured to emulate a ROM version 01 Apple IIGS at the original speed, running Diversi-Tune from an emulated 3.5-inch disk. I'm aware that the emulated sounds of the 3.5-inch disk drive aren't entirely authentic, particularly when seeking across multiple tracks, but they still represent the original experience more accurately than, say, running from an emulated hard disk at modern read speeds. More importantly, though, MAME's emulation of the Ensoniq ES5503 chip in the Apple IIGS is the best I've yet heard, including stereo output and accurate reproduction of high-pitched notes.

Technical details about video encoding

Because it's relatively rare to independently encode and self-host a video as I write this in late 2024, I'll provide details about how I did it for this video. As usual for video encoding, I depended heavily on FFmpeg.

First, I used MAME's own video output feature to create the uncompressed video, with this command-line option:

-aviwrite divtune.avi

Note that videos produced from an emulated Apple IIGS using this option look very long, because the Apple IIGS didn't use square pixels. MAME does have a -snapsize option for correcting this, and I used that for a previous version of this video. But for the current version, I decided to do a truly lossless capture from MAME and scale the video later using FFmpeg.

Uncompressed AVI files like the one produced by the -aviwrite option are very large. This one was roughly 12 GB. To avoid keeping this huge file longer than needed, and to reduce the I/O or memory demands of future encoding operations, I next produced a losslessly compressed version with this FFmpeg command:

ffmpeg -i divtune.avi -c:v ffv1 -level 3 -c:a flac divtune_lossless.mkv

According to the FFmpeg wiki page on encoding to FFV1, FFv1 version 3 is strictly better than version 1. That's why I used the -level 3 option.

Next, I produced a scaled version of the video that looks right on modern displays, to serve as the input for later steps (including the upload to YouTube), with this FFmpeg command:

ffmpeg -i divtune_lossless.mkv -vf scale=704:528 -c:v ffv1 -level 3 -c:a flac divtune_scaled.mkv

I derived the new size, 704x528, as follows: The original size was 704x228, but the aspect ratio of the Apple IIGS's display was actually 4:3. So, to avoid averaging or dropping any pixels in the longer dimension (the horizontal one), I divided 704 by 4 and multiplied by 3, yielding 528.

Once I had the scaled video, I decided to encode it in two formats for distribution on this site, along with the upload to YouTube:

Because this video contains exclusively low-resolution computer graphics with limited motion, both video files are exceptionally small, even with exaggerated audio bit rates and video quality settings; the WebM version is about 16 MB, and the MP4 version is about 18 MB.

Finally, to produce the poster image for the video, I used this FFmpeg command, with a timestamp obtained through trial and error:

ffmpeg -i divtune_scaled.mkv -ss 00:00:20.9 -vframes 1 divtune_poster.png